by Power Practice | Nov 2, 2022 | Articles, Bethany Fishbein OD, Optometry Consulting
Optometry Practice Owner Resources Have You Ever Not Filled A Prescription? Bethany Fishbein, OD Have You Ever Not Filled A Prescription? I was recently in an office that had a screen with patient education slides playing on a loop. I took note of one that said “Up to...
by Power Practice | Oct 25, 2022 | Articles, Bethany Fishbein OD, Optometry Consulting
Optometry Practice Owner Resources Live With It, End It, or Change It Bethany Fishbein, OD Live With It, End It, Change It At our client retreat, leadership executive Renee Brauns spoke about focusing your strengths on what you love. As part of her talk, she...
by Power Practice | Oct 17, 2022 | Articles, Bethany Fishbein OD, Optometry Consulting
Optometry Practice Owner Resources Reacting vs. Responding Bethany Fishbein, OD Reacting vs. Responding I was in a workshop on something totally unrelated to optometry (parenting!) and the speaker spent some time on the difference between reacting vs. responding. I...
by Power Practice | Oct 3, 2022 | Articles, Bethany Fishbein OD, Optometry Consulting
Optometry Practice Owner Resources The Most Important Thing To Bring To Your Next Staff Meeting: A Bagel Bethany Fishbein, OD This was an accidental discovery for me. It was so long ago that I can’t even remember what exactly I was listening to, but it was about...
by Power Practice | Sep 19, 2022 | Articles, Bethany Fishbein OD, Optometry Consulting
Optometry Practice Owner Resources Lessons from Las Vegas Bethany Fishbein, OD I just spent a few days in Las Vegas with some members of the Power Practice Team, attending Vision Expo West. I wasn’t the one to pick the hotel and the restaurant – which means...